Local editorial content. TNet supports the content of the Virgilio portal Local

Editorial content: abundance and the gaining of relevance and web traffic for major publishing portals, but a huge commitment in terms of costs and resources to produce them. The long-standing partnership between TNet Consulting and the website Virgilio.it

TNet’s local editorial content for Virgilio.it

Virgilio.it, one of the leading Internet companies in the country and one of the major players on the web, provides local editorial and informational content through different channels, from sports to economics, by way of topics such as women, travel and motoring.
Having managed to ensure the continuity of its readers’ web experience has and continues to represent the portal’s reason for success: a large volume of web traffic, high user loyalty and excellent visit quality all represent the guarantee of commercial capitalisation of the presence of advertising on its pages.

Virgilio.it’s requirements as expressed to TNet Consulting

Virgilio has requested a high level of consistency from TNet Consulting in terms of the production and provision of local content of a high informational quality: modernity, freshness, originality, SEO consistency and capacity for social engagement, in particular for topics relating to local and cultural events and those with an aggregational value

  • exhibitions
  • concerts
  • social events

all tying into an editorial plan designed in total synergy between client and supplier.

TNet Consulting’s solution for local content marketing for Virgilio

TNet has prepared and contributed to, along with Virgilio.it, an organic publishing plan with annual development, based on creating content (both written and visual) for all events of major local importance and the selection of images of the event (posters, pictures of the tour and the artist). All local events covered (more than 40,000 annually) and promoted by TNet were identified by way of web analysis and profiling of the target users of the Virgilio portal.
The partnership takes the form of a daily comparison between Virgilio’s writing team and TNet Events’ writing team, covering or highlighting individual shows according to their level of success; the writing has a key role thanks to the overall vision of the performances in individual cities.

Results of the partnership, still ongoing

Thanks in part to the optimised local events provided by TNet, Virgilio.it is now the leading website in the country for offering a total overview of local events, with 11.6 million unique monthly users and 400 million page views per month (Source: Audiweb View TDA May ‘17).


Do you have a web audience building publishing project or would you like to increase the status and traffic of your local or national industry website by offering your users highly profiled and consistent local content?
You can contact us to find out how to improve the web experience of your customers by providing them with up-to-date information of daily interest.